Saturday, April 30, 2011


Hey guys! Haven't updated in a while...been really busy! Anyway still been taking pics... If you wanna be in pics with me if your on realm Mok'Nathal just whisper Rainywolf!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I was running around collecting eggs and some noob came up and started following me....he started being mean to EVERYONE that came close to me =.=
sigh comment your noob story

Happy Easter!

To all my "fans" lol Happy Easter I always love the celebration on WoW for Easter :) Happy hunting :D

Friday, April 22, 2011


Hey guys...I'm surprised i found something new i like to do in WoW, every three hours like at 3:00 6:00 12:00
i get the treasure chest in the cape of stranglethorn...from this dude...
Short John Mithril...
Somwhere around there...

More showed up afterwords D:
Like six more 85's showed up after this pic -.-

WoW these days...

I remember WoW where you could walk though Org without some chick saying naked blood elf by AH! When someone wasnt there to judge you about mixing purples and blues. I remember WoW when in dungeons people would lvl and then stay to help to the end. When pets and mounts took up bag space. I remember WoW when hunters had volley...when moonkins spammed starfire...when there was only 60 lvls. What do you remember? 
My random pic for this post.


Hi guys! I must admit something this blog is for WoW people... I will talk about new things in WoW stuff like that. If you dont like it... simply leave. Please no hating. I just wanna have fun!

Taking random pics in StrangleThron :3